
Jiping Huang Professor

Contact Information:

Office: 2317 Rm., East Main Bld., Guanghua Bld.

Email: jphuang@fudan.edu.cn

Phone: ++86-21-55665227(Office)

Home Page:http://www.physics.fudan.edu.cn/tps/people/jphuang

Personal Blog:http://blog.sina.com.cn/jiping1977

Additional Information:

Education:BSc (1998) and MSC (2000), Suzhou University; PhD (2003), Chinese University of Hong Kong

Research Field:Soft matter and interdisciplinary physics

Research Focus: Complex fluids and econophysics

Dr. Jiping Huang, born in 1977, in Jiangsu Province. Postdoc research fellow in Max-Planck Institute for Polymer Research in Germany, 09/2003-08/2004; Research fellow of Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in Max-Planck Institute for Polymer Research in Germany, 09/2004-08/2005. Since 09/2005, he has been working in Fudan Physics Department as a full professor. Scientific achievements: Discovered the optical negative refraction of ferrofluids for the first time, and established the new physical concept of soft or liquid optical metamaterials, which can be used to design soft or liquid invisibility cloaks and has been reported by New Scientist and Science News, respectively; Revealed the microscopic mechanism behind the Invisible Hand in economic markets, and exploited a novel approach – controlled human experiments, to conducting econophysics research; and designed the first powerful optical tweezer system that operates on the nanoscale, which has been reported by Photonics Spectra, SPIE, and Science Times (in Chinese).

Selected Publications:

Y. Gao, J. P. Huang*, Y. M. Liu, L. Gao, K. W. Yu, and X. Zhang, “Optical Negative refraction in ferrofluids with magnetocontrollability”, Physical Review Letters 104, 034501 (2010).

W. Wang, Y. Chen, and J. P. Huang*, “Heterogeneous Preferences, Decision-Making Capacity and Phase Transitions in a Complex Adaptive System”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) 106, 8423-8428 (2009). Corrections: 106, 10872 (2009).

J. P. Huang* and K. W. Yu, “Enhanced Nonlinear Optical Responses of Materials: Composite Effects”, Physics Reports 431, 87-172 (2006).

L. Zhao, G. Yang, W. Wang, Y. Chen, J. P. Huang*, H. Ohashi, and H. E. Stanley*,”Herd behavior in a complex adaptive system”,Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) 108, 15058-15063 (2011).


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